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nelkanelka It took me a long time too.  :/ And because there's an error in the scheme, I wasted many, many days of work, which I had to undo. . After I finished the embroidery, I came to the conviction that it is not worth embroidering TW. For me, the work is too much, unreasonably much, and the result does not justify it sufficiently. There are designers who achieve a perfect result with fewer means of expression. The finished embroidery is not among my favorites.  :/ ... It was nice to read your comment  :)
Nelka Jos9 месяцев назад
munsterwoman I've been working on this for years. It may be time to take it back out. Her work is beautiful, but a challenge to stitch.
Julie15 месяцев назад
Vlada65 Мдя... нету((( Попрошу помощи на Девичнике
dolores958 Такая красивая схема. Почти начала подбирать цвета, но присмотрелась и поняла что в схеме не хватает листиков. Может где то заволялись?
Лариса Дудина15.12.2018
nina89 The border is beautiful!
Nina Dutch16.05.2018
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